
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Romans 12:2 says: 

“Do not conform yourselves to the standards of this world, but let God transform you inwardly by a complete change of your mind. Then you will be able to know the will of God – what is good and is pleasing to him and is perfect.” 

I have come to the conclusion that this trip has nothing to do with me, but everything to do with what God is going to do through me and His purpose for my life. 

I know this because I honestly cannot sit here and give anyone a satisfactory answer for my “why”, sometimes I find myself asking God that very question. 

The world tells me that going on this trip is extremely unorthodox for our society, foolish for a 22 year old about to graduate, and ultimately just plain stupid. The world tells me that my testimony has no power. The voice of the enemy is constantly trying to saturate my mind with doubt over the graciousness and kindness of Jesus Christ, because the enemy knows what happens when Christians start walking in their God-given purpose.

These very lies have bounded me in fear towards who I am and who I was created to be many times.

As I have prayed and sought for Gods provision over this next season of my life, I have an undeniable peace in my soul that The World Race is that next step, and I am trusting that what God has to say about me is far greater than any mans opinion. 

I know this will be one of the hardest things I will do in my life— the last thing I expect from this mission trip is a “vacation”.  

At the heart of it, I am going on this mission because I want to fight the good fight and spread the news of Jesus and His saving power. I am going on this trip to grow in my faith and relationship with Christ. I want to be a vessel and to be used for whatever God has planned for me, and I am done hiding behind the shadow of lies the enemy keeps trying to trip with me. 

“Perhaps this is the moment for which you have been created.” Esther 4:14 

2 responses to “My “Why””

  1. Erin, Staci and I were privileged to be a part of that mission trip to Mexico, and we were witnesses to God’s hand working in and through you. We love you and are certain that The Lord has chosen and equipped you for not just the world race, but also for effective ministry throughout your life. We will be praying for you!